
Make your own Tcp Server/ Client


    In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to make a tcp server with C#. If you ever work with windows’ sockets , you already know how difficult this can sometimes be. However you can see how it can be easy in .net platform.

* firstly you must add which name space you need for network programming.
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
And then you can write this code ;

Now Just start to explain our code.In main function you just define your class instance which name is Initialize and use it’s method which is called StartListen.And in this method we just  called the StartStream method firstly.
At the StartStream method our first work is defining  our variable.After this We must send parameter to TcpListener object what it needs.
*newsock = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, Convert.ToInt32(port));    => here we define ip adres and port for listener.
*newsock.Start();   =>
Just started our TcpListener.
*client = newsock.AcceptTcpClient();   =>  this code part is blocking until a client is connected to the  server and accepts a pending connection request.
*ns = client.GetStream();   => set our networkStream to send or receive data. 
* In the StartListen method, you define byte array and use networkstream write method.
byte[] dizi = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(LA);  
ns.Write(dizi, 0, dizi.Length);  

Attention ! please dont forget to close your stream after all works are  over.Like these =>   
newsock.Stop();  client.Close(); ns.close();

At client side, you can use this code block for read data from tcpserver. And you can find explanation about every statement why we use it.

byte [] data = new byte[1024];
//this line is about reading data from networkstream
// and just for learning to find how many byte we use in array which name is ‘data’
recv = ns.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
//at here, we convert our data type byte to string  
string ss = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, recv);
// after this line you can do what you want …

Get data from xml file


images Today I decided to write my article about xml , firstly I want to say somethink about my grammar ,this is my first article that I use english so I m sory if I make mistake. :))

*Why we use xml file ?
*because in the real world, computer systems and databases contain data in incompatible formats.XML data is stored in plain text format. This provides a software- and hardware-independent way of storing data.This makes it much easier to create data that different applications can share.

XmlTextReader xmlDocument = new XmlTextReader("MyXmlFile.xml");

                while (xmlDocument.Read())
                    if (xmlDocument.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        switch (xmlDocument.Name)
                            case "ip":
                                _IpAdres = Convert.ToString(xmlDocument.ReadString());

Console.WriteLine(IpAdres );

*XmlTextReader xmlDocument = new XmlTextReader("TcpServer.xml");
At this sentence you just defined your stream for reading  xml and set it’s parameter which is about file path .
*while (xmlDocument.Read())  after defined your stream, you can start reading the first line of your file
*xmlDocument.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element  At this part of code you just verify your node type for sure it not root node. And then you can use switch  to take your node name  .
* when you found  which name you search you could read that line and convert which type you want  same this =>   _IpAdres = Convert.ToString(xmlDocument.ReadString());